Agora Online School

The online school for the humanities

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study table with computer and books

What is Agora Online School?

Learn about us

This online space is created with the intention of bringing the huminities into the tech space. The objective is for students and teachers to communicate and work together. At your own pace, either with the life classes courses coming or with the recorded lectures. With different levels and exploring a wide range within the humanities' studies.

Moved by passion for learning and for what makes us humans: art, literature, history etc. There is space still for humanities in our tech driven lives, space for passion and for poetry, so stay tuned!

I like this but how?


We are on the early stages of this process, and as of today the whole school is run by one person: Me, Inés Paris, the coder and creator of this space. This is why Agora Online School needs you, contact me to participate and create all types of content together. You can create your own course and host it here, link your podcast, write articles, our mind is the limit.

study table with computer and books


Future Courses


Reading with open ears

This is as introductory course on tips for reading. How to annotate? what to pay attention to? what can make a good book from a bad one? what role does taste play into it?

Comming 2025

This course will be available in 2025

What will you get from it?

We will have discussions, case studies, practice with your favourite books and some classics, but we are also open to suggestions. Let's build community!


Introduction to Feminist Non-Fiction

Oh my word! Feminist she said?! Yes, I did! non-fiction can be scary as well as feminist is a word charged with connotations, but in this course we will learn how to understand the key concepts, a bit of its history and try to decode together the nuances of the theory, with engaging discussions and incredible readings that will expand your mind, eyes and heart!

Comming 2025

This course will be available in 2025

What will you get from it?

Phylosopical and critical thinking about the world around us, the importance of community, equiality and equity, and also a lack of fear to the non-fiction world.


The impact of Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology is far from outdated or finished! from the famous and constant book retellings, to movies and inspiration that seems far removed from the original but alas! it is not! Learning about these myths will give you a deeper understanding of all the cultural products we consume and it is fun, because let me tell you... these stories are a lot of gossip and intregue.

Comming 2025

This course will be available in 2025

What will you get from it?

Understanding of the most relevant myths and how the impact our everyday life. Discussions with others on how these myth impact you, some breve and fun historical information about the athient Greeks and why not, a bit of practice on myth retelling coming from your own pen!

Other content to check

There is already a lot out there! Check it out while we work on what is to come